Monday, November 18, 2019

What It Means to have Hope in Times of Climate Crisis

In his article "What if we stopped pretending?" the American novelist Jonathan Franzen refers to the looming climate “apocalypse”, arguing that, to prepare for it, we need to reconsider what it means to have hope.
His message is inspiring in spite of what you would expect based on the headlines:

Jonathan Franzen (2019): if we stopped pretending?
The climate apocalypse is coming. To prepare for it we need to admit that we can´t prevent it. 


Here is the conclusion:
"Keep doing the right thing for the planet, yes, but also keep trying to save what you love specifically—a community, an institution, a wild place, a species that’s in trouble—and take heart in your small successes. Any good thing you do now is arguably a hedge against the hotter future, but the really meaningful thing is that it’s good today. As long as you have something to love, you have something to hope for.”

See the English version of the full blog post at and get the link to the article.

Se den danske version af blog-indlæget på bloggen "Der er brug for medborgerskabsengagement i FN´s bæredygtighedsmål" på and get the link to the article.
Teach GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP  Newsletter no. 34

Everyone, who is engaged in developing global citizenship, is welcome to receive these thematic introductions & curated learning possibilities.
October 2019, Copenhagen
Egon Hedegaard

Blog In English:  Teach GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP

Blog på dansk: Uddannelsesreformer verden rundt

Blog på dansk: Der er brug for medborgerskabs-engagement i FN´s verdensmål  Eksempler fra denne blog ALLERNEDERST


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