Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Basics of Planning for Teaching: Six important steps in any teaching process

I have been urged to share my introduction to basic steps of planning teaching sessions and courses in which students become active participants.

I use this introduction in one-day courses as well as in semester-long learning cycles for college and university teachers.

Every step is elaborated in theory as well as in small experiments in teaching in the long courses. These courses have an introduction week-course, a semester long experimentation period while the participants teach their own courses, and a follow-up week-course.

”Solutions to the teaching problems you encounter in your classroom will not be found in learning a whole bag of teaching tricks, but they are likely to be found in reflecting on your teaching problems, and deriving your own ways of handling them”. Biggs and Tang: Teaching for Quality Learning at University: What the student does.

The most common comments from teachers, who participate in these courses, are that they already  emphasize these points  to some degree, but they are acutely aware that they need to develop their ways of planning and teaching in order to reach all students and make them active learners.

All teachers use questions when they teach, but we tend to get a habit of using just a few of many kinds, which are possible and relevant:

The handouts above as well as literature references are to be found as Word-documents by use of these links:

English version: Basics of planning & teaching

Danish version: Seks vigtige led i ethvert undervisningsforløb

Teach GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP Network Newsletter no. 29

To read any of the previous 28 newsletters/ simply visit the blog (link). The content are thematic introductions & curated learning possibilities.

June 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark 

Egon Hedegaard

Everyone, who is engaged in developing global citizenship, is welcome to receive these newsletters/ teaching resources. Please request via email, and network by forwarding me questions, inspiring links, and texts to use in future newsletters. 

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