Wednesday, November 14, 2012


                                                                                           Copenhagen, August 2012

To everyone who is engaged in developing global citizenship directly through teaching or indirectly through other kinds of activities.

Welcome to the first network newsletter "Teach Global Citizenship".Through teaching in more than ten countries I have experienced that ...
- to teach national citizenship is not enough in our times, we need to develop a broader and global "we"
- we need to enrich our knowledge of the cultures of nations, minorities and indigenous peoples, and of all what we have in common
- we also need to share examples of how others do it in order to inspire us as students, student teachers, teachers and volunteer service organizers
It is the intention to spread this kind of knowledge. Therefore I hope you will find these letters useful.

Egon Hedegaard, independent instructor and developer of education, Denmark

Ps: I send my warmest greetings to all my friends, former colleagues and students on five continents whom I have taken the liberty to include in the mail list.
This time focus is on resources for teaching that enables young people to make informed decisions about how they can play an active role in their local and global community:

"GLOBAL DIMENSION ... the world in your classroom"
This website aims to support school teachers in bringing a global dimension to their teaching by providing access to teaching resources, case studies and background information. Here 'global dimension' means ...
" ... (very broadly) 'exploring the world's interconnections'. With a global dimension to their education, learners have a chance to engage with complex global issues and explore the links between their own lives and people, places and issues throughout the world."

Global Learning Wallplanner
One of the ways of planning ahead for global learning in your school is to connect the curriculum to occasions such as global days and festivals. Links to free global wallplanners as pdf & iCalendar: 

Celebrate Democracy

Here is an example of Global Calendar events: International Day of Democracy 15 Sep 2012
15 September every year: Encouraging the world's governments to strengthen democracy.
For further information, visit the UN International Day of Democracy web page: click

As there is no single universal model of democracy, then it is important to compare understandings of democracy. Here is a Danish understanding of development of democracy which is easy to use in order to find universal as well as local characteristics of evolution of democracry.
"The Danish Democracy Canon":
Danish version: "Demokratikanon": click
Everyone is welcome to receive these newsletters, just send me mail addresses. Please, network by sending  me inspiring links to use in future newsletters (try translate other languages in Google Translate).
If you do not want to receive more emails, mail me.

Teach Global Citizenship Newsletter no. 1

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